Research Insight

The Research Insight is The Meducator‘s flagship article format and is unique to the publication. This format is designed to allow undergraduate students involved in research to discuss the nature of their original work while reflecting on its significance and implications in the broader context of their field of investigation. Unlike a traditional science article, we invite submissions of original primary research findings at any state of completeness and comprehensiveness; the focus is less on the results of the author’s research, and more on the rationale, approach and potential implications. The goal of this article format is to grant undergraduate student researchers an opportunity to undergo the academic peer-review process and showcase the amazing research projects led by undergraduate students around Canada.
Article Writing Guidelines for Research Insight
Note: Permission must be obtained from the associated principal investigator for the publication of any primary research.

Global Perspective

The Global Perspective is an article which allows students to write about their first-hand experiences working with and strengthening a community, whether close to McMaster or around the world. The article should focus on health-related issues and obstacles faced by the community, specific work that the author did, as well as future health care steps in the field/community. Although the article may be a first-person account, the author should take care to combine personal anecdotes with well-informed and researched depictions of the community and health issues involved.
Article Writing Guidelines for Global Perspective

Critical Review

The Critical Review article format is designed to allow undergraduate students to discuss a specific topic that interests and excites them, and is important or relevant to the general science student body. In addition to reviewing the literature on the topic, the author must address the area with a critical lens, by analyzing future prospects or contrasting with other approaches. The author is not required to be involved in primary research within the field of their submission.
Article Writing Guidelines for Critical Review


The Opinion piece is a column written about a controversial and/or contemporary topic in the health sciences. The aim of the piece is to present a well-informed stance on a contemporary health science-related issue that has significant importance to multiple stakeholders.
Article Writing Guidelines for Opinion


The new MeduAmplify piece is a column written about a social and/or political topic related to health sciences. The aim of the piece is to present a well-informed stance on a contemporary health science-related issue that has critical socio-political implications in our current world.
Article Writing Guidelines for MeduAmplify 

SUBMISSIONS FOR ISSUE 46 are now open!

The Meducator is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal that showcases original scientific research, reviews and analyses of current research, and health care policy written by undergraduate students. We welcome submissions from current undergraduate students from any institution in Canada. This is an incredible opportunity to investigate a topic in the health science field that you are passionate about and have your work published in an undergraduate journal! 

Article Descriptions - what can i submit?

Last updated January 2024